Josh TeBokkel
Project Coordinator/Designer
Intern Architect, AAA
Josh’s interest in craftsmanship, from watercolour painting and model building to wildlife photography, coupled with his explorations of the roots of modernism, classics of Italy and Greece, and diverse ecosystems of western Europe, has driven him toward architecture as the field to try and unite technological and environmental practice with human experience. These goals motivated his post-secondary education and design work at several architectural and engineering firms in Canada and abroad, over the course of the last decade. Josh has been recognized with honours spanning his degrees including, most recently, the RAIC Student Medal and the SAPL Gold Medal for work at the University of Calgary.
Josh can attribute the beginnings of his artistic career to the Canadian Landscape, from family camping trips in northern Ontario, to the simplicity of green pines and their distorted reflections beneath the blue silhouettes of distant forests found in Group of Seven painter Lawren Harris’s Shimmering Water and Algoma Reflections. It is fitting that his educational and professional journey has led here, to a city grappling with sustainability and ecology with the Rocky Mountains on the horizon. Josh is excited to live among Calgary’s cultural, and Alberta’s environmental, beauty, and looks forward to collaborating with peers that he has met along the way.