2023 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence for Hall Street Pier (with SOA)
2023 Edmonton Mayor’s Urban Design Award Honorable Mention for Edmonton Valley Zoo Children’s Precinct
2023 Canadian Interiors Best of Canada Award for Kicking Horse Coffee Cafe
2022 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for Century Gardens Park Pavilions (with PFS Studio)
2022 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award Honorable Mention for the Varsity Multi-Service Redevelopment
2020 Canada Wood Council Award for the Edmonton Valley Zoo Children’s Precinct
2020 Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Architectural Firm Award
2020 Progressive Architecture Award Honorable Mention for the Edmonton Valley Zoo Children’s Precinct
2020 National Urban Design Award for the 4th Street SW Underpass Enhancement
2020 Prairie Wood Design Award for the Courtyard House
2020 Prairie Wood Design Award for C-Square
2019 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for Sunalta Community Hub
2019 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Special Mention for the 4th Street SW Underpass Enhancement
2018 Prairie Design Award of Merit for C-Square
2017 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence for the Edmonton Valley Zoo Children’s Precinct
2017 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the Civic District Public Realm Strategy
2017 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for C-Square
2017 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the 4th Street SW Underpass Enhancement
2017 AZ Award of Merit and People’s Choice Award for the John Fry Sports Park Pavilion
2017 Architizer A+ Awards Special Mention for the John Fry Sports Park Pavilion
2016 Prairie Design Award of Excellence for the John Fry Sports Park Pavilion
2016 Prairie Design Award of Merit for Memoryscape
2016 Prairie Design Award of Excellence for the John Fry Sports Park Pavilion
2016 Prairie Design Award of Excellence for the Memorial Drive Landscape of Memory Pathway Upgrades
2016 Prairie Design Award of Merit for Memoryscape
2015 CSLA Regional Award of Merit, Calgary Soldiers Memorial
2015 Edmonton Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the John Fry Sports Park Pavilion
2014 Awards of Excellence. Edmonton Valley Zoo Children’s Precinct.
2014 Canadian Architect Award of Merit for the Edmonton Valley Zoo Children’s Precinct
2014 Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Awards of Excellence National Honour for Poppy Plaza
2014 National Mayor’s Urban Design Awards Certificate of Merit for Poppy Plaza
2014 Calgary Heritage Authority Lion Award for Poppy Plaza
2013 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the Calgary Northpointe Bus Shelter
2013 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the Memorial Drive Landscape of Memory Pathway Upgrades
2013 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the 1st Street SW Underpass Enhancement
2012 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence for the 1st Street SW Underpass Enhancement
2011 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Sustainable Communities Award for the Calgary Public Building Restoration (with Perkins+Will Canada)
2011 Winner of the International Design Competition for the John Fry Sports Park Pavilion
2011 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the Calgary Centre for Global Community
2011 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the Memorial Drive Landscape of Memory Pathway Upgrades
2011 Alberta Masonry Design Award of Excellence for the Devonian Botanic Garden Installation
2010 Calgary Heritage Authority Lion Award for the Calgary Public Building Restoration
2010 Western Living, Architect of the Year Award, Architecture
2009 Selected to Exhibit at XII Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires, Argentina
2009 Canadian Architect Award of Merit for Poppy Plaza
2009 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for Poppy Plaza
2008 Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Awards of Excellence Regional Citation for Eau Claire Plaza Redevelopment
2008 Urban Design Award for Olympic Plaza and Paget Park Redevelopment
2007 Selected to Exhibit at VII Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Sao Paulo, Brazil
2007 Prairie Design Award for the Roxboro Residence
2007 Canadian Architect Award for the Calgary Centre for Global Community
2007 Progressive Architecture Award for the Calgary Centre for Global Community
2007 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence for the National Mountain Centre (with Saucier+Perrotte Architectes)
2007 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the Eau Claire Plaza Redevelopment
2007 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the Olympic Plaza and Paget Park Redevelopment Plan
2005 Calgary Mayor’s Urban Design Award for the Ramsay Redevelopment Plan
2005 Prairie Design Award for TAG Advertising Studio
2004 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence for the New Varscona Theatre
2004 Varscona Theatre, Ramsay Redevelopment Plan and TAG Advertising Studios selected by national exhibition on Contemporary Canadian Architecture: Substance over Spectacle
2002 Canada Council for the Arts Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture
2002 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence for the Truss House
2002 Prairie Design Award for the Truss House
2002 Winner of a Creative Research Excellence Award from the University of Calgary
2001 Winner of the national design competition for the 109 Street Gateway (no. 23), The Art and Design in Public Places Program, Edmonton, Canada.
2001 University of Calgary President’s Circle Awards for Achievement in Research and Creative Activity Excellence
2001 City of Calgary Heritage Award for Calgary Modern: 1947-67
2001 Winner of the international design competition for the Peep Show, Artcity
2000 Winner of the Provincial Design Competition for the Central Hall Design, Edmonton International Airport
2000 Prairie Design Award for Calgary Modern: 1947-67
1999 Winner of a national design competition for the Institute for Modern and Contemporary Art, Calgary, Alberta in joint venture with Saucier and Perrotte Architectes.
1999 Canadian Architect Award of Merit for the Holmes Residence